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(For Non-Muslim Use Only)
Come Closer to Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon is more scripture you can pair with the Bible. Read verses about Jesus you’ve never seen before. Deepen your understanding of Him. Contact the missionaries to learn more about it. We’ll give you a personal copy or help you download it.
Get an introduction to the Book of Mormon. Meet with missionaries.
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You will receive several messages via text or WhatsApp to confirm your request and help you prepare for your visit.
Missionaries in your area will contact you soon.
We’re excited to talk about Jesus Christ’s teachings with you. We can meet in person or online.
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See How the Book of Mormon Has Blessed the Lives of Others
“I was reading it just kind of for fun. But it just made me start thinking, like, What if this is true? So at that point I decided I’m going to pray and ask if it’s true. And I ended up having an overwhelming feeling of calm and comfort.”
“As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed my appreciation for the Book of Mormon has grown. Just the principles that I have learned have led me to be able to make better decisions than I otherwise would have been able to make.”
“The Book of Mormon gave me strength beyond my own. I need that book in difficult moments of my life.”
“When I have a question, when I’m really struggling in life, there’s always something that I read that will help uplift me or get me back on my feet.”
What to Expect from Your Visit
We’re excited to meet you and help you discover how the Book of Mormon can strengthen your relationship with God. Here’s what your visit might be like:
We’ll get to know each other.
We’ll pray together.
We’ll learn about the Book of Mormon and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We’ll invite you to come to church with us.